Colors next to each other on the color wheel (no more than two primary colors) is known as analogous color. It is usually a very beautiful and satisfying color scheme. Check out these pics from our garden's harvest this past week of delicious berries. Featured are raspberries, black berries, and blue berries. A delicious sherbet was made after we made a coulis syrup from the berries. The color scheme is pleasing to look at and refreshing and delicious to eat!
Color Harmony - Analogous Colors
Colors next to each other on the color wheel (no more than two primary colors) is known as analogous color. It is usually a very beautiful and satisfying color scheme. Check out these pics from our garden's harvest this past week of delicious berries. Featured are raspberries, black berries, and blue berries. A delicious sherbet was made after we made a coulis syrup from the berries. The color scheme is pleasing to look at and refreshing and delicious to eat!
Even the Dahlias in the background are using the same colors. Only the colors in the grass are not analogous as green has yellow in it.