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Analogous colors in Berries and sherbert blend
Even the Dahlias in the background are using the same colors. Only the colors in the grass are not analogous as green has yellow in it.
Sherbert, Berries, Berry Coulis and Dahlias
All analogous colors. I removed the green grass to help illustrate this concept of color harmony.
A complete Color Wheel
Colors are: Yellow, yellow orange, orange, red orange, red, red violet, violet, blue violet, blue, blue green, green, yellow green.
Analogous Colors on the Color Wheel
Colors included are blue violet, violet, red violet, and red. Notice there are only two primaries and blends of these two primaries. The primary colors are blue and red. There is no yellow which is the third primary color.
Analogous colors: blue violet, violet, red violet, red.
Cool and refreshing to look at and to eat!
Eating the Sherbert
Notice I am wearing analogous colors too: red violet, and blue violet. Believe it or not this was a coincidence and not planned for this color lesson. Probably because I am fond of analogous colors!
Wild Berry Plant Identification Page
The berries are all in blues, violets, and reds. The green leaves make the color composition different and not only analogous colors. There is nothing wrong with these colors, it just creates a different mood.
The Plant ID Pages are from the book: Foraging & Feasting; A Field Guide and Wild Food Cookbook by Dina Falconi and Illustrated by Wendy Hollender